Threshold Proxy Re-encryption (TPRE)

Threshold Proxy Re-encryption enables secure and distributed data sharing between multiple parties in a decentralized manner. TPR allows a group of participants to collectively control access to encrypted data and delegate the ability to re-encrypt the data to proxies. When a user wants to share the encrypted data with another party, they provide the encrypted data and the corresponding threshold re-encryption key to the selected proxies. Then a threshold number of proxies performs the re-encryption operation to transform the data into a format that can be decrypted by the intended recipient. This enables fine-grained access control as the data owner can specify which proxies are allowed to perform re-encryption operations on their encrypted data. This allows for selective and controlled sharing of data with specific parties. TPR provides flexibility in data sharing by allowing users to delegate the re-encryption operations to proxies, eliminating the need for direct communication between data owners and recipients. Thus, TPR provides a mechanism for secure and distributed data sharing while maintaining privacy, access control, and decentralization.

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