Communication Layer

Insaanity uses a peer-to-peer network architecture to facilitate communication between nodes and participants. A P2P network allows direct communication between nodes without relying on a central server. It enables decentralized interactions, enhances resilience, and enables efficient data exchange within the ecosystem.

  1. Node Discovery: To establish P2P communication, nodes need to discover and connect with each other. Nodes exchange information about their network addresses and availability, allowing them to discover and connect with other nodes in the network.

  2. Connection Establishment: Once nodes have discovered each other, they initiate a connection to establish a direct communication channel. This typically involves a handshake process, where nodes exchange information and establish a secure and authenticated connection.

  3. Message Propagation: After establishing connections, nodes can propagate messages among each other. These messages contain information such as transaction requests, status updates, or other relevant data related to key generation, signature generation and so on.. The messages are typically encoded and structured in a predefined format, such as JSON or binary, to ensure compatibility and consistency across nodes.

For achieving the P2P communication Insaanity protocol uses Libp2p networking library that offers a set of modular components and protocols designed to enable peer-to-peer communication in a decentralized manner. It also provides a unified framework for building P2P applications, including features like peer discovery, secure communication, transport agnosticism, and multi-addressing.

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