Threshold Cryptography Library

MPC (Multi-Party Computation) based threshold cryptography refers to cryptographic techniques that utilize multiple parties to jointly perform cryptographic operations while preserving the privacy and security of the participants' individual inputs. It allows for the distribution of cryptographic key management and cryptographic operations across multiple entities, enhancing security, privacy, and fault tolerance. It plays a crucial role in connecting different blockchain networks, enabling liquidity flow, and expanding the utility of digital assets across multiple ecosystems. They aim to enhance the flexibility, accessibility, and composability of blockchain-based applications by breaking down the barriers between isolated networks.

Here are a few important aspects and benefits of MPC-based threshold cryptography:

  • Key Generation: In threshold cryptography, multiple participants collectively generate cryptographic keys, such as threshold encryption keys or threshold signature keys. No single participant has complete knowledge of the resulting key, ensuring that no single entity can compromise the security of the system.

  • Key Sharing: The generated cryptographic keys are divided or shared among the participants in a way that a minimum threshold of participants is required to reconstruct or use the key. This threshold ensures that no individual participant can misuse the key without the collaboration of others, reducing the risk of key theft or misuse.

  • Secure Computation: MPC enables participants to jointly perform cryptographic operations without revealing their individual inputs. Using secure protocols, participants can compute functions on shared data while keeping their inputs private. This allows for secure computations on sensitive data without the need to disclose it to any single party.

  • Privacy Preservation: MPC-based threshold cryptography ensures privacy preservation by preventing any participant from learning the individual inputs or intermediate results of others. By using cryptographic techniques such as secret sharing and secure computation, participants can jointly perform operations while maintaining the confidentiality of their respective inputs.

  • Fault Tolerance: MPC-based threshold cryptography provides resilience against failures, malicious behavior, or compromise of a subset of participants. As long as the required threshold number of participants is honest and available, the cryptographic operations can proceed securely. This fault tolerance property ensures the continuity and reliability of the system even in the presence of partial failures.

  • Decentralization and Trust Distribution: MPC-based threshold cryptography promotes decentralization by distributing cryptographic operations and key management among multiple entities. It reduces the reliance on a central authority or single trusted party, which is particularly important in decentralized systems, such as blockchain networks or distributed cryptographic systems. By involving multiple parties, it enhances the overall system's trustworthiness and makes the system more resistant to malicious attacks or compromises.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: MPC-based threshold systems offer flexibility in setting the threshold value, allowing system administrators to adjust the required number of participants for generating a valid output based on their specific security and operational requirements. This scalability enables systems to adapt to changing conditions, such as participant availability or system dynamics, without compromising security or performance.

We have developed our own threshold library that accommodates the following primitives and services:

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