Threshold Decryption

In threshold decryption multiple parties collaborate and collectively decrypt encrypted data without revealing the decrypted information to any individual party. It combines the concepts of threshold cryptography and secure multi-party computation to ensure privacy and security during the decryption process.

In traditional cryptography, decryption typically requires a secret key held by a single entity or a small group of trusted parties. This approach poses risks since the compromise of the secret key could lead to unauthorized access to the decrypted data. In contrast, MPC-based threshold decryption distributes the decryption process across multiple parties, ensuring that no individual party has access to the complete decrypted information other than the intended recipient.

Conditional Sharing of Encrypted Data: Allows restricted outsourcing of encrypted data by granting decryption rights to encrypted data when certain conditions or sets of conditions are met in a cryptographically secure way using Conditional Proxy Re-encryption (CPRE).

Threshold and Condition-based Decryption: Granting access to encrypted data on satisfying specified sets of on-chain conditions.

Sharing Selective Information: Revealing partial information of a file with source authentication and restricting access to sensitive data.

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